Saturday 19 December 2009

Stained Glass Windows

Its been a long snowy day!!!

Today I started working like any other with snow on the ground and kids out playing. I worked through the making staine my staine glass windows when a power cut hit Dover stoping me in my tracks, giving a short break, enough time to enjoy the festive weather.

With all the set backs, the snow has brought, and the power up and running once again, I am back on track. Staine Glass Windows are made and in place. Alphas are still need for the right transplarency, and the colours need working on to fit in with the surroundings.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leanne,

    Great - Your camera moves are looking much smoother. Keep refining them.

    I like where you're going with the stain glass windows. However, don't forget to add variance to the black lines (lead between the glass). At the moment they're very graphical.
